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In Conversation… with Frank Schaeffer • Bonus Episode • Patrick J. Deneen

Frank Schaeffer In Conversation with Patrick J. Deneen, exploring his work and the themes of his book, Regime Change: Toward a Postliberal Future.

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Patrick J. Deneen is Professor of Political Science and holds the David A. Potenziani Memorial Chair of Constitutional Studies at the University of Notre Dame.  Prior to joining the faculty of Notre Dame in 2012, he taught at Princeton University (1997-2005) and Georgetown University (2005-2012), where he held the Markos and Eleni Tsakapoulos-Kounalakis Chair in Hellenic Studies.  From 2005-2007 he served as principle Speechwriter and Special Assistant to the Director of the U.S. Information Agency, Joseph Duffey.


Deneen's intellectual interests and publications are ranging, including ancient political thought, American political thought, liberalism, conservatism, religion and politics and literature and politics.  He has written four books and edited three others.  His books include The Odyssey of Political Theory, Democratic Faith, Conserving America?, and most recently, Why Liberalism Failed, which appeared in January, 2018 with Yale University Press (paperback 2019). Why Liberalism Failed has now been translated into twenty languages, including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, and Korean.


He teaches across his areas of interest, and offers regular courses with titles such as "Political Theory," "Constitutionalism, Law and Politics," "Liberalism and Conservatism," "The End of Education," "The American Regime," and "Tocqueville's Democracy in America."