“Grandparents pay a steep price for being cut off from childcare work, inspiration, and fun. They die sooner, according to the ‘Berlin Aging Study.’ It was first published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior. Psychologist Ralph Hertwig and his colleagues at the Berlin-based Max Planck Institute for Human Development evaluated data from the study in which more than 500 people aged over seventy were interviewed between 1990 and 1993 and followed until 2009. They found that half of the grandparents who looked after their grandchildren were still alive ten years after the first interview, while half of those who didn’t—and also the non-grandparents in their control group—died within an average of five years. According to findings in the University College London 2020 study ‘Living Alone and Risk of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis,’ dementia risk leaps by 30 percent if you live alone in your fifties and sixties. Isolation takes a much greater toll than previously thought. The study surveyed 21,666 people over the age of fifty-five. The authors warned that there are a growing number of elderly people living alone and that loneliness seems to be a bigger factor than physical inactivity, even diabetes, obesity, or high blood pressure in triggering dementia.”

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