The Religion of Greed

“My son John and his wife, Becky, were one of those mothers and fathers forced by the pandemic to work from home. They found themselves spending more time with their children. But not everyone had two healthy and willing youngish grandparents across the street to help out as John and Becky did, which made working from home a happy experience. And, Covid aside, the United States is currently the only industrialized country with no guarantee of paid parental leave, for fathers or mothers, and no state-funded childcare. That’s because we’ve convinced ourselves that somehow the religion of greed’s GDP is a bigger deal and more important to our happiness than, say, listening to Hélène Grimaud and Duke Ellington while dancing with five-year-olds. We think making more money is more important than staying home with a young child or protecting our pregnancies by more rest and home-based self-care.”

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Fall in Love, Have Children, Stay Put, Save the Planet, Be Happy
is Available for Pre-Order Now.

To be published November 2 by HCI Books • Distributed by Simon & Schuster